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Below are links to download PDF copies of 2 sets of 50 questions. 
The first set of questions – 50 Questions for Protestants - are based on some basic issues of Christianity including this issue of Cessationism.  I hope these questions will - at a minimum - reduce some of the hostility and division within the Body of Christ.  In addition, I hope they will guide and facilitate individual and group study and dialogue, will identify opportunities for additional equipping of the saints, and will ultimately help bless both believers and unbelievers living in a hurting and deceived world.  
The second set of questions - 50 Questions for Catholics - are questions geared to help Catholics determine whether Catholic teachings are consistent with or contradict what the Bible teaches.  In so doing, Catholics can then personally examine the information and decide for themselves what is of God and what is not.
My views on both sets of questions as well as other questions/issues are found in  CEASED? and to varying degrees in my 3 Points to ponder books .
The origin of these questions is the Cessationist vs Continuationist divide.  If you’re not familiar with these terms, Cessationists believe the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the 9 Holy Spirit gifts - prophecy, tongues etc. as per 1 Corinthians 12 - ended over 1,900 years ago with the early church.  Some Cessationists believe some healing miracles occur today, but are rare. Continuationists are typically in the Pentecostal/Charismatic type camps and believe the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the 9 Holy Spirit gifts are still valid today.  Given there is only one truth - they ended or they did not - only one camp is right which means hundreds of millions of believers must be right, and hundreds of millions must be wrong.  Whatever the truth, the cost for the group that is wrong is major.  Two questions for you to ponder if you’re interested.
A:  If this Baptism and the 9 gifts did end with the early church:
  1. what are the benefits today for the hundreds of millions of Cessationists whose belief is right; and
  2. what are the potential costs or negative consequences today for the hundreds of millions of Charismatics/Pentecostals who are involved in these gifts and whose belief on this issue is wrong?
B:  If this Baptism and the 9 gifts did not end with the early church, but are valid today:
  1. what are the costs or negative consequences today for the hundreds of millions of Cessationists whose belief is wrong; and
  2. what are the benefits today for the hundreds of millions of Charismatics/Pentecostals whose belief is correct and are actively engaged in these gifts?

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